Class RecycleLicenseManager

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class RecycleLicenseManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    The license recycle manager class. It is used to activate, query, bind, return and upgrade license. All results generated by license management are returned by using callbacks. Each callback will be executed in the thread where the object of the class is created. Such as, when initializing an object in Activity, the callback will be performed in the UI thread.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RecycleLicenseManager

        public RecycleLicenseManager()
    • Method Detail

      • getLicenseStatus

        public LicenseStatus getLicenseStatus()
        Gets the license status.
        Returns the license status of the current license.
      • setActivateCallback

        public boolean setActivateCallback(RecycleLicenseManager.RecycleLicenseCallback callback)
        Set the online verification callback.
        callback - The recycle license activation callback.
        Whether it is successful set
      • getInstance

        public static RecycleLicenseManager getInstance(android.content.Context context)
        Gets the instance of the license manager class.
        context - Application context.
        The instance of license manager class.
      • query

        public void query(java.lang.String userSerialNumber)
        Query available modules, and return the result by callback.
        userSerialNumber - the user serial number.
      • activateDevice

        public boolean activateDevice(java.lang.String userSerialNumber,
                                      java.util.ArrayList<Module> modules)
        Activate the device online.
        userSerialNumber - the user serial number.
        modules - The list of modules required.
        Whether to start activation. The activated result returns by callback.
      • bindPhoneNumber

        public void bindPhoneNumber(java.lang.String phoneNumber)
        Bind the phone number. Unique. If this phone number has been bound, it will be failed to bind. If the phone number is not activated, it will also be failed.
        phoneNumber - the user phone number
      • recycleLicense

        public void recycleLicense(java.lang.String phoneNumber)
        Return license. Activate the license before return. If it binds with phone number, you can only return via phone number. If not, you can pass parameter null
        phoneNumber - return via phone number
      • upgrade

        public void upgrade(java.lang.String userSerialIDFrom,
                            java.lang.String userSerialIDTo)
        Upgrade the license. There are two ways for upgrading: 1. Version before 9D, you should upgrade license via this API instead of activation API. 2. 9D license can be directly used. It means that you change the serial number, and the license must be activated before use. By default, it returns origonal license and activate new license.
        userSerialIDFrom - the serial number for upgrade
        userSerialIDTo - the serial number to upgrade
      • queryLicenseCount

        public void queryLicenseCount(java.lang.String userSerialNumber)
        Search the number of licenses
        userSerialNumber - the serial number.
      • clearLocalLicense

        public void clearLocalLicense()
        Clear local license file